Sunday, May 19, 2019

Week 13 - Post B - FaceBook Ad Options

In the past, around 2005, banner ads were very popular and on the right forum or website, they were quite profitable. Then banner ads seemed to take over websites and seemed to have fallen out of favor.

I think I would feel most comfortable with creating an ad for Facebook and actually watching the traffic from both FaceBook and Instagram. When I create a meme and put it on Instagram I do get a response but, I haven't taken it too seriously to watch for results.

Moving forward, I am going to schedule posts for both social media sites that promote both Go With Your Gut and Catholicism is Cool. If I schedule 5-7 posts ahead of time then it is easier for me to stay in the zone and focus on one thing. I call it batching, and it works well for me.

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Week 17 - Post A - Final

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