DaveKehnast.com uses a Facebook page for his Kehnast Coaching. He has a lot of photos of himself surfing and the videos that he makes for a topic on coaching. I really like how he uses video to support his reach out for new clients. He is exactly the same in person as he is in his photos and videos and that is refreshing as well as deepens trust between him and his clients and potential clients. He has 870 followers and about 880 likes. He last posted on March 26, 2019. Interestingly he has the same number of likes to followers. Clients have posted testimonials, which is a great thing to use on the site as well as a pop-up for basic questions a visitor might ask. He uses #KehnastCoaching a lot. I would like to be more brave about posting videos of my work on my social media sites again.
Steve Olsher on Facebook. I co-host with Steve on Thursdays for Reinvention Radio and Beyond 8 Figures. Also, with his New Media Summit for podcasters. We actually are in a radio studio then repurpose the audio as a podcast. Steve has many sites but, I chose this one because it seems pretty active. He last posted March 22, 2019 and we sometimes Livestream from the studio which, if you take a look you'll see us in-studio waiting to record and I'm talking on the phone! He has 1835 followers and he posts a lot of our episodes on this site to promote our guests and the shows. He gets a good number of views, in the hundreds, and not as many comments but, there is activity. I definitely need to post more often and consistently to promote my shows.
Richard Otey on Twitter, Rich ECommerce. Richard is very knowledgable about streaming live and e-commerce. He has posted 3972 tweets, has 1691 people he follows, 2496 followers, 4457 likes over 3 lists. He tweets multiple times a week and he retweets as much if not more than that. Richard is the other host on Reinvention Radio and Beyond 8 Figures and out of the 3 of us he understands social media engagement better than any of us. He's a happiness coach and consultant to many business owners.
Devi Adea on Instagram. Devi is a fellow coach and podcaster. She also teaches people how to start their own podcast as I do. She has 402 posts, 690 followers and 211 she follows. Devi posts podcasts using a thumbnail from the show and also lets us in on her personal life such as her wedding anniversary. She doesn't really use hashtags. She gets on average about 50 likes and many comments. I see a lot of our mutual podcasters responding to her posts as we're all friends.