Monday, March 18, 2019

Week 6, Post A - Facebook Business Page

When using FaceBook as part of your business social media strategy, it is important to understand the differences between post reach and post engagement.

The post reach is the number of unique people who saw your content on Facebook, meaning new people. The reach affects every other metric you can track such as; likes, comments, clicks and of course, negative feedback. It's the number of people who saw a specific post in their news feed.

Engagement on Facebook is when people take action on your content. Facebook will report as engagement the number of clicks, likes, shares, and comments.

This distinction is important because it will tell you if your posts are compelling enough to make someone take action. If they take action you have a better chance of them being interested in your business offering.

Once, you understand these two tools; post reach and post engagement, you can then focus on the insights tool to further engage your potential customer. Insights will address if which content that works best and if it is driving people to engage; take action.

Insights will help you see which content is working and which is not. It can also help your sharing strategy. Insights will help you see if your posts and the reach are taking your customers to engage with you. Insights can be fun to keep track of if you like stats and testing content, and if you are paying attention then you and adjust your content strategy right away to see improvement.

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